Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Work and Rewards

Now that it's officially summer time with gorgeous beach weather, I have to exercise restraint. I can see the beach from my living room window, so I can always assess whether it's a day I want to go outdoors while still in my pajamas. So I have to make sure that I am getting work done before I go out and play. I'm officially an adult and an entrepreneur, so I can't just blow off work all the time to hit the beach.

But, one of my issues with the corporate world is the lack of flexibility of schedules. I can't just ditch out on a good job with regular paychecks and benefits, and trade that for no guaranteed money, paying for my own insurance, and never taking any time for myself.

I haven't quite gotten into a groove or a system yet, but I have a checklist every day, and I have to make sure that I accomplish the list. And I either surf in the morning before work or in the afternoon after work. And since my commute is about 3 minutes, I can get to the beach quickly instead of an hour and a half after my work is finished.

I like to think that I am setting up my life to be lived on my terms. I suppose we all are. How do you cope with a work/play balance? Let me know in the comments.

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